2016 키노트 영상

HCI KOREA 2016 학술대회가 2016년 1월 27일(수)부터 1월 29(금)까지 강원도 하이원리조트 컨벤션센터에서 열렸습니다. "Steve Benford 교수님, Patrick Baudish 교수님, 오준호 교수님의 키노트 영상입니다. 영어 키노트의 경우에는 영어 자막이 추가되어 있습니다. 화면 아래 자막 아이콘을 클릭하시면 볼 수 있습니다."

Prof. Steve Benford

발표 주제 : Designing With Discomfort
발표 시간 : 2016. 1. 27(수) 15:00 ~ 16:00

Abstract :
The traditional tenets of HCI are grounded in making the user’s interactions with computers as comfortable – efficient, ergonomic, satisfying, legible and predictable – as possible. However, as HCI increasingly turns its attention to cultural uses of computing, from highbrow arts to mainstream entertainment, so the game is changing. Our experience of artworks is often far from comfortable. Our engagements with games and sports may push our minds and bodies to the limit. I will therefor set out an argument for deliberately and systematically designing with discomfort in order to deliver powerful cultural experiences. I will identify the potential benefits of uncomfortable interactions under the general headings of entertainment, enlightenment and sociality. I will review a series of artworks and performances that have deliberately employed discomfort to create unusually powerful and provocative interactive experiences. By reflecting on these and other examples, I will articulate a suite of tactics for engineering four primary forms of discomfort in interactive experiences - visceral, cultural, control and intimacy. I will reveal how moments of discomfort need to be embedded into an overall experience which ultimately resolves them, requiring a further consideration of the dramatic acts of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and dénouement. Finally, I will consider an ethical framework for designing uncomfortable interactions, revisiting key ethical issues such as consent, withdrawal, privacy and risk.

Prof. Patrick Baudisch

발표 주제 : Five challenges for personal fabrication
발표 시간 : 2016. 1. 28(목) 11:00 ~ 12:00

Abstract :
"I believe that computer science and mechanical engineering are about to unite. In the future, users will build machines and solve mechanical problems by digitizing the involved objects using 3D scanners, solving the problem in the digital domain using the means of computer science, and converting the result back to the mechanical domain using a 3D printer. This will allow solving mechanical problems with the effectiveness and efficiency of computer science. This will not only change mechanical engineering, but also allow computing to reach its next phase, which is to merge into matter itself, where the physical matter of objects will also perform the computation. In this talk, I will take a closer look at this unification process and try to point out the five grand challenges it brings for researchers in the field of human-computer interaction and in particular personal fabrication"

Prof. Jun Ho Oh

발표 주제 : What happened at the Darpa Robotics Challenge
발표 시간 : 2016. 1. 29(금) 09:00 ~ 10:00

Abstract :
The DARPA Robotics Challenge, which was motivated by nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan, in 2011, consisted of increasingly demanding two competitions, DRC trail and DRC final, over two years.
The goal was to accelerate progress in robotics for humans and mitigate the impacts of natural or man-made disasters. The DRC Finals competition challenged participating robotics teams and their robots to complete a difficult course of eight tasks relevant to disaster response, among them driving alone, walking through rubble, tripping circuit breakers, turning valves and climbing stairs.

25 teams from worldwide participated in this demanding challenges but only three of them completed the mission in the specified time limit, one hour. Even the first place winner, team KAIST, took 44 minutes to complete. Many teams struggled a lot in operating their robots. Most of the robot experienced real ‘disastrous’ situation as falling down before entering the disaster scene or during the tasks. Some of them were from mechanical failure, the others were from operator’s mistakes or from bipedal walking difficulties, etc.

Prof. Jun Ho Oh will review the DRC final process and discuss about what the difficulties were, what happened and what we learned from the challenge. He will also explain some details and winning strategy about the robot ‘DRC Hubo’.

"This is the end of the DARPA Robotics Challenge but only the beginning of a future in which robots can work alongside people to reduce the toll of disasters,"
- Arati Prabhakar, DARPA Director -

지난 행사보기_HCIK2015 행사스케치

HCI KOREA 2016 학술대회가 2016년 1월 27일(수)부터 1월 29(금)까지 강원도 하이원리조트 컨벤션센터에서 열립니다.
매년 다양한 행사와 프로그램으로 많은 분들의 호응을 받아 왔습니다. 이번에도 풍성한 내용으로 여러분들을 찾아 뵙도록 준비하겠습니다.

[지난 행사보기_HCIK2015 행사스케치]
2014년 12월 10일부터 12일 2박 3일간 그랜드힐튼 서울 컨벤션 센터에서 진행된 HCIK 2015 학술대회의 감동의 현장을 다시 한번 여러분께 전해드립니다.

학술대회 행사 사진

축사(박원순 서울시장)

1Day (10일) Keynote Speech

궁극의 선택 : ABC디자인 - The Ultimate Choice : ABC Design -
(권영걸 /한샘 대표)

2Day (11일) Keynote Speech

Vision-Driven: Beyond Tangible Bits, Towards Radical Atoms
(Hiroshi Ishii / MIT Media Lab 교수)

3Day (12일) Keynote Speech

How Mobile Devices are Revolutionizing User Interaction
(Neil Trevett / NVIDIA 부사장)

지난 행사보기_HCIK2014 행사스케치

2014년 2월 12일부터 14일 2박 3일간 강원도 하이원 리조트 컨벤션 센터에서 진행된 HCI 2014 학술대회의 감동의 현장을 다시 한번 여러분께 전해드립니다.

보도 영상

인문과 디자인, 공학의 만남 'HCI(Human Computer Interaction) Korea 2014'
출처 : chosun.com

사람과 기술 조화...HCI 모든 것
출처 : 채널아이티

HCI2014학술대회 소개
출처 : 경인TV

1Day (12일)

2Day (13일)