January 27-29, 2016 / High1 Resort
Now that Everything Is Connected, HCI has attracted a wide array of diverse research fields.
This borderless expansion, which even includes finance, city design, healthcare, and public welfare,
is sparking progressive fusion. The field of HCI is now everywhere and is in everything.
At the brink of the next phase of HCI, let's take a break and think about what HCI really is
all about and to which direction we should evolve. That's why we call this year's theme "INTERMISSION."
We invite you to join HCI's INTERMISSION Party, share your thoughts and creatively collaborate for the
exciting and brand-new stage of HCI.
HCI Korea 2016|Scope|
Call for Papers and Organized Sessions
The conference covers HCI topics in the following three categories:
1. Technology: Virtual/Augmented Reality, Mobile/Ubiquitous, Interaction, Rehabilitation, Interface Devices,
Bio-interfaces, Service
Technology, Securities
2. Design: Design Methodology, Interaction Design, Usability, Emotional Design, Experience Design,
Service Design, Game Design, Web
Design, Media Arts, Information Design
3. Humanities-Sociology : Social Impacts, Cognitive Ergonomics, Integrated Humanities, Online Communities,
Social Computing, Digital
Human Modeling, User Experience & Usability, Human Aspects of Information
Security, Privacy & Trust
HCI Korea 2016|Program|
Paper Sessions
- Full papers(oral presentation)
5-8 pages in the HCIK archival format (two columns in A4)
To be included in the Proceedings of HCI Korea 2016
(All accepted full papers for oral presentations will be included in ACM Digital Library)
- Short papers(oral or poster presentation)
2-3 pages in the HCIK abstract format (two columns in A4)
To be included in the Extended Abstracts of HCI Korea 2016
Organized Sessions
- Case studies, Tutorials, Panels, Workshops, Doctoral Consortium, and Exhibitions
- More details will become available from the conference web site.
HCI Korea 2016|Organizing Committee|
Geehyuk Lee (KAIST)
Min Young Choi (Sungshin Women's University)
Jeong Yun Heo (Kookmin University)
Program Chairs
Seokhee Jeon (Kyung Hee University)
Nam Choon Park (Seoul Women's University)
Hoekyung Jung (KGIT)
HCI Korea 2016|Program Committee|
HyeonJeong Suk (KAIST) HyungSeok Kim (Konkuk University) Jaehwan Lee (Hanyang University) Jaewoo Joo (Kookmin University) Jeonghyun Kim (Korea University) Jintaek Kim (POSTECH) Jinwook Seo (Seoul National University) Ju-Hwan Lee (KGIT) Juhyun Eune (Seoul National University) JungHyun Han (Korea University) Junyong Noh (KAIST) Ki-Uk Kyung (ETRI) Minjeong Song (Sungkyunkwan University) Myeung sook Yoh (POSTECH) Sang Kook Lee (The Catholic University of KOREA) Seny Lee (Sangmyung University) Seungmoon Choi (POSTECH) Soo Mi Choi (Sejong University) Soom Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University) Sungeui Yoon (KAIST)
HCI Korea 2016|Conference Venue|
HCI Korea 2016 will be held at the Convention Center of High1 Resort, Jeongsun-gun, Kangwon-do, South Korea. The official conference hotel is the Convention Hotel of High1 Resort. Its special conference rates and reservation methods will be available soon at the HCI Korea 2016 website. High1 Resort is a ski resort with 18 ski slopes. This ski resort is the first in Korea to be connected by train, which makes it even more attractive. The train station dates back to the time when this area was a major coal production center. The coal mines closed, the train station are now serving passengers bound for the slopes.
HCI Korea 2016|More Information|
The conference program and submission instruction will become available from the conference web site: http://hcikorea.org/hcik2016 HCI Korea 2016 (HCIK'16) High1 Resort, Jeongsun-gun, Kangwon-do, South Korea January 27-29, 2016